Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's A Miracle 16oz. Spray Bottle And Dr. Daurham's Extreme Growth Formula, Hair Growth Sprays

Here's a Quick Reference link for those who just want order info, you can now order online!!
Also Available now!!
$15/ea: 8oz. & 
$30/ea: 16oz.!!!

To quickly order your product, you need to understand the "TOTAL" purchase price.  When factoring your cost, remember that you need to add three things for each order.
1. Product Price $30/ea or $15/ea
2. Sales Tax $2.47/ea. 16oz bottle, or $1.24/ea 8oz
3. shipping and handling  1-3 btls= $8.90, 4-11 btls. $13.90

Now that you know the prices of each, you just need to determine how many bottles of product you'd like to order, and multiply that number by the product price.

This product is sweeping the nation! And hitting retail store shelves across America! Salon Owners, If you're NOT selling this product, your missing a huge piece of the Retail Market for Natural Hair Care. This is not only a natural hair care product, but it also has a growth formula comprised of natural botanicals that makes hair grow like weeds!! I am a hair braider, and I'd like to share with you a story about one of my clients because it was really funny...

...So I braided a guy's hair one week, one of my regular clients, and did the normal regime of how I tend to his hair, (which mind you I have managed to grow his hair a "whopping" 12+ inches in the last year, using the It's A Miracle-Nature's Oil, so he was used to the normal growth results in between appointments) only this time, instead of using the ITS A MIRACLE-Nature's Oils, I had used the DR. DAURHAM's Extreme Growth Formula spray as a conditioner for his hair while it was in the braids. When he came back for his regular re-braid two weeks later, his comment to me was..."Ma-a-a-annn! What did you do to my hair last time? Man, I had to take my hair down early because it grew out too fast! I don't know what you did, but don't do that again this time, because i'm on a budget, and my braids have to last me at least two weeks!...Man I been wearing a pony-tail for the last four days!"

I thought that was so tickling, because that "IS" the purpose of him getting his hair braided all the time. He wanted to see how long it would grow if he kept it braided every two weeks, only after being made aware of the products I had available, he did allow me to use them in his hair. And he was VERY "SHOCKED" but "PLEASED" with his results!  The only thing was, is that he wasn't ready for all that growth to happen so fast, nor was his budget ready, when it came time for a new appointment, FOUR DAYS EARLY.

To create memories like this with your clients, or friends and family, simply become an Independent Distributor!
You can also become a distributor if you are seeking additional income, or are an Entrepreneur looking for a great investment product. The manufacturing company has many great incentive programs for their distributors to participate in, and there are also incentives for enrolling NEW distributors!! Anyone interested should send an inquiry email to:
Subj: "Distributor Inquiry"
For faster response, you may call 815-821-8798

Please note that this blog, and information provided herein are provided to help consumers make an honest buying decision. No claims are being made on the products being offered for purchase. Each individual will have individual results. Please make all complaints on product use to the manufacturing company (Email:

Check out our store online NOW! Discounts periodically! Check often for deals!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'd Like to know "More" about

"Its A Miracle" nature's oil.
What is it?

It is a natural plant extractive growth formula that yields longer, stronger, healthier hair at unbelievable rates. My customers and clients have been using this product since 2005(when i first began to sell it). And I still sell it(and use it) because it still works!!!

I am an Independent Distributor, ("I.D."). I also am the "Go-to" person for African American Owned Salons and licensed stylists as well, who would like to add this product to their lines of available products!

At this time, you may order directly from me! You can also order direct from the manufacturer! You CANNOT, however, purchase these products in retail stores, or beauty supply stores, sorry.

NOW!!!!~~Would you like to see “MY” very own personal pics that show my results after just under 18months of use???

How you can order:
I take orders via, the email, telephone/text, or U.S.P.S.

Order Info:
Case: {12- 16oz. Bottles}$360 USD *Add $15 For S & H for each case ordered)
"Mini-Order": {3-16oz. Bottles} $75 *Add $13 For S & H for each set of "3")
"Single": {ONE-16oz. Bottle} $30 *Add $8.90 S & H

Payment Info: You may use PayPal (Credit/Debit Card or e-check) *Product is shipped 24-48hrs after payment clears...usually within the first 24hrs. 

Contact Info: (email me any questions you may have, o.k.)

Your Rep= Jamie Branch, Independent Distributor
E-Mail = (Use also for ?'s)
Phone = (779) 216-4772*You can also "TEXT" your questions

*$$Income Opportunity $$*

*Today, is your LUCKY DAY! Why, you ask?  Because not only do you find out about great NATURAL HAIR products, get an opportunity to purchase them right here, ONLINE, using any mobile device that has an internet connection, and access to your email, but you ALSO get the opportunity to become an Independent Distributor, and make some great extra income on the side by simply sharing knowledge of these great products, and by having them on hand, and ready to sell to a well deserving client!
Daurham Corporation is seeking Additional "Independent Distributors" $$$$~~Ask about how you can make $$money$$ with Daurham Corporation locating "uninformed" salons, and introducing them to their products, educating their staff on how they can benefit from its use and sales!

Also, would you like to interview salon staff and create exciting articles on the responses regarding their experience with "Its A Miracle-Nature's Oil"?-- Join me and have fun!
Care for an interesting read?

My Personal Story...

...For many years, I've had a problem with a scalp condition known as "Traction Alopecia". I would try to put relaxers in my hair to "stretch it out" and be able to style it. It only would grow out to about 3-4" then, it would begin breaking off--no matter what type of relaxer i used. I tried the 20-min.
deep conditioning, and tying my hair with silk scarfs,
ph-Balanced shampoos etc. It still wouldn't grow any longer. Finally i decided to just cut it off, and wear a short style...(you know, where it's curly all over).

Got tired of the "wet look", because the "styles" were too limited, but in hindsight, I just had no idea what to do with it. I then started looking for products that promised fast regrowth of hair. Products like "Don't be bald", "Do Grow", and "Dr. Miracle"..."Mane-n-Tail" which was a "Horse" shampoo  🐎that they put on the market to fool us! None of these product stood up the their words!!!! I even went to the "home remedies" and started putting raw eggs, and mayonnaise in my hair! So I got frustrated and went online and "Goggled" products that make black womens' hair grow, as a "keyword search". That only yielded a lot of forums, and many super-expensive product "lines".--Meaning there was a ton of different bottles of stuff to put in my hair.--"No thanks!!!"

Some time goes by and a friend from Chicago, IL. calls me up to invite me to join a group of investors with him. I had asked for more info. then was invited to go up for an "Information Seminar" hosted by Ernest Daurham, CEO of Daurham Corporation, which turned out to be the actual "Inventor" of the product I am now distributing!!!

I was so intrigued at the seminar about the vast wealth of information I'd quickly learned about black hair, that I took it upon myself to stick around after the seminar and introduced myself to Mr.Daurham. I explained how I was interested in the product, not only for personal use, but I wanted to introduce it to the city I lived in at the time.(Madison, WI) I learned that no one had approached him before in regards to this area. And then, it HIT me! Ask, him if there's any way that I could sell the product outside of participating in the groups?

Long story, short....
It's A Miracle-Nature's Oil grew my hair from .75"(3/4") to a whopping 7.5"(7 -1/2") in just under 18months!!!(and I cut it 4 times during the growth period) My hair stayed very soft, detangled, "soooo easy" to comb, AND it was growing FAST! I was able to wear braids in my hair again "without" it falling out all the way down to the root from the tension of the braids, as my hair had gotten much "thicker, and stronger" as well! Not knowing that I had been suffering from "traction alopecia"--I was one SATISFIED CUSTOMER!!! So much to the point that...
...I am now the I.D. for the entire state of Wisconsin, and I also service any interested salons anywhere in Rockford, Il. and the surrounding local area. I have also "Branched-Out" and began online sales as well, which made a major difference in my income!  It's A Miracle-Nature's Oil is only sold by the CASE, however, I have taken it upon myself to create a smaller sized order which I have named the "Mini-Order", consisting of Three-16oz. Bottles of product, for people who may not be able to afford the case price, or just want to try the product out. I also took into consideration, that fact the we are in a "Recession", so spending is limited.

I have always been a "Stand-Up" kind of lady, fairly outspoken, and fun!
I have a tendency to like the "Pay It Forward" concept. That means that when I find "anything" that (I feel) would benefit someone else, I feel it' s my duty to inform them.--One of many ways that I give back to the community! People, we have to help one another out in this world...understanding the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child..." I believe that we all still have an inner child, and it wouldn't hurt you to enlighten someone else with what could quite possibly become "life changing information".
For a lot of years, I shied away from events, because of my hair. I was ashamed of my own natural hair, because I didn't know how to take care of it. Since I found the Daurham Corporation products, I now wear my hair "NATURAL", and have gained so much knowledge on how to maintain, and style it. Thinking of my own personal story, I knew that there had to be many other young ladies out there, and maybe even some adults who could benefit from these products. And that is why I still distribute these products today.